Tuesday, November 11, 2008

i'm the insitigater of underwear showing up here and there, oh no!;

Something that baffled me today: People who wear their cell phone/digital camera on a cord around their neck. I just don't get it. I get that they probably don't want to lose it/break it/scratch it, but seriously. You need to wear your Sidekick around your neck just to protect it?

In other news, dentists and their technicians and assistants are sadists. I went in last week for an initial check up and for x-rays because I hadn't been to a dentist in about 3 years (I also went in because I'm an idiot and ate an old Heath bar and broke off a part of one of my back molars. Oops), and they scheduled me today for a cleaning. With the exception of needing a crown for said broken molar (which without insurance is $2500. OUCH), I only had one cavity. For some reason this is a matter of great interest and perplexity for my dentist and his minions since it's been so long since my last office visit. I got told about ten times during both visits how I've got stellar brushing and flossing habits. These people don't realize it's visits like today that make me anal about my oral hygiene. I have never had a cleaning like today's. My teeth got picked, flossed, poked, prodded, polished, and god only knows what else. It hurt, and my teeth and gums are still sore. And now I have my December 2nd appointment when they begin work on my crown to look forward too. Hurray.

Before I went in to get tortured for half an hour, I dropped in at my doctor's office to get a flu shot. They decided to also give me my second shot of gardisil (the HPV vaccine) at the same time. Today was not a good day.

Now I am ready to drop into bed and sleep today off. But not before one last check with my phone for any [birthday] messages (oh, yeah. My charger died and now my phone is dying a slow death. I am not coping well at all. I'm having seperation anxiety from the outside world).

Saturday, November 8, 2008

cramped up and couldn't write a word all day;

Hmm, well welcome to blogspot, Tara.

I've kinda gotten sick of my livejournal (http://emandated_faith.livejournal.com/), especially since now that I've got the itch to write and blog about the not so interesting happenings of my life and there are people I know on my friends list who would be offended and probably upset with some of the things I say or think, I made the not so clearly thought out decision to start up a new blog. Dear self, don't cause drama with your blog like back in junior year. kthxbai.

So, hummm. Yeah, not much to blog about tonight. I'll possibly try to blog tomorrow (we'll see how far I can get with blogging every day. Ha.).