Thursday, August 20, 2009

all i need is a compass, and a willing accomplice;

Oh where, oh where have I been, dear blog?

Having a very wicked awesome summer, thanks.

It isn't at all like I thought it'd be (I've cut ties with some friends who were part of Big Plans. It was for the better.) So there was no trip for San Francisco with P and no camping with P and no late night Rock Band jam sessions. Nevertheless, it didn't dampen my spirits or my Summer of Awesome.

June (sometime after that last post) I bought my one of my Besties tickets to the No Doubt concert at the end of July. After handing her her ticket and the birthday card I bought her for her LAST birthday and lost in the move, many squeals were had and plans made for a camping trip of our own with another Bestie and my mom. So we packed up my car, and made the 2 hour drive to Bodega Bay for 3 days and just lounged on the beach (I really need to get the pictures developed from this trip [yes, I am THAT lazy]). We came home, and not even a week went by before I met this Boy.

Okay, technically I've known him. I work with him, but I was completely oblivious to him (and my crush on him and his on me). Anyway, Boy and I started talking/texting and before I knew it we had to plans to hang out (I'm too much of a pessimist to want to get my hopes up and think it was a date, even though deep down I was hoping that's what it was. He recently admited to not wanting it to be a DATE date either, because what if it didn't work out? What if I was just into being friends? What if I wasn't interested in him? I think we're a good match: pessimists at heart). So we went to the movies and saw Public Enemies; he insisted he pay (DATE DATE DATE why didn't I see it yet???) and I let him (I got lectured by K about this when she came over to do my make-up beforehand, because I am THAT clueless about dating and boys and what-have-you). And afterward we went to Denny's and made small talk and apparently had some awkward silences (I have no recollection of "awkward" silences. Only he does). He dropped me off at my car at work (because I wasn't so sure of him driving to my house just yet. You never know!), and I awkwardly hugged him goodnight (this I do remember being awkward seeing as to how I am not a very physically affectionate person) and thanked him again.

Flashforward about an hour and K is sitting in my room giggling as I tried to unravel and analyze everything said/done, hoping against hope that maybe something would come of this really surreal thing that only happens on Lifetime Movie Network (in retrospect, it really was the sweetest first date, even though I don't think either of us considered it a DATE date until later). As I sit and replay the entire evening from the moment I got into his car to the moment I hugged him weirdly, my phones goes off. One New Message. It's from Boy, telling me he had fun. And stupidily, without really thinking, I reply asking when the next date is. D'oh. But it's okay, because everything worked out anyway.

That was June. July comes in thick and the only thing L and I can think about is No Doubt in 20 days...15 days...4 days.... It was, hands down, The Best Show Ever. It was AMAZING. I've never lost myself to the music as I did on that night. Jumping, screaming, singing, dancing. All this in a sold out stadium with one of the most amazing friends a girl could ever hope for. Not much else occured in July, just that not-so-horrid modern art history class. (I got an A, in case anyone's wondering.) All the while I'm still dating Boy and liking him more and more and wondering how much more of I dork I could be.

August started out hot and muggy. One more camping trip to the beach later and a trip to the Boy's hometown up in Lake Tahoe later, and I'm "preparing" to go back to school full time Monday (all this really means is I'm sitting on my butt as much as possible and finishing my book list, texting all I want, and napping in between).

I'm the most content I've ever been. I have the most amazing group of friends and 3 of the world's most tolerating and crazy Besties anyone could ask for. And I have this new person in my life that I'm terrified yet exhilirated to be around and who genuinely likes sitting on a couch with me watching cheesy DVDs all day. Hmm.

Let's just hope that my optimism (GASP) sticks around long enough for me to get through this next semester. Fingers crossed.