Wednesday, July 14, 2010

dig your heels in, li'l girl, put 'em to the test;

What? A post?

I didn't die, though I have been very neglectful of this little blog. There was a lot going on, through school, work, and personally.

It's funny to me to look back at this time last summer. How oblivious I was. I was still healing (and still am, if I'm completely honest), and I had so much help from my wonderful friends and Matt licking my wounds and moving on.

Spring was this flurry of quick-paced classes and work. And then the metaphorical shit hit the fan, so to speak, and I moved out. How I managed a job promotion, 17 units, 40 hours at work, moving, and then helping my mom to move I don't know. Some very powerful emotional strength and support. And very little sleep.

So now I have completed summer classes in which I am extremely happy to say that I am DONE with general education requirements. Meaning, I just have to finish my major and I am OUT of city college. 4 years later, and I can finally say I have some direction in my life academically. RELIEF.

Now all I have is fall and next spring and I am transferring out, and with fingers crossed, transferring out of Sacramento. Another huge and exciting relief, believe me. It means (hopefully) quitting my job to pursue a field that I happen to be in love with and have loved ever since I could remember. Why I fought against that as a career option is baffling even to me (actually, it's not. A nice little summation: I was a huge people pleaser and wanted to make everyone happy by being whatever they approved of at the time). So come October it'll be state university application time. Scary stuff, folks. (Change is good, Tara. Must keep this in mind).

Other than the mundane academic stuff, life has gotten somewhat. . . more manageable within the last couple weeks. Just trying to remember to breathe mostly (I won't bore anyone the details of my personal life).

But I am okay. I am here. I am still alive and living.

Upcoming events:
  • Bodega Bay with friends and family
  • much needed catching up on my reading list (15 books down, 25 to go!)
  • a MUCH MUCH needed vacation
  • possibly Warped Tour
  • a new vehicle
  • R-E-L-A-X-A-T-I-O-N

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