Monday, March 16, 2009

there is nowhere you can hide from the lessons learned or the lies that bind them;

I am way too lazy to write anything of real sustance, so here's a list summarizing the Life of Tara:

1) WAY too much homework/studying/exhaustion
2) hangs with the bestest friends
3) work, work, work and -oh yeah- more work
4) deep thinking on where I will/want to be in 5 years/ltos of contemplating my navel/trying to figure out the meaning of my life
5) thinking of my Angry Phase over last summer and how that was the last time I really actually felt anything real
6) missing said Angry Phase because I could actually feel something, even if it was a negative emotion
7) also missing drawing beaucoup because it took immense amounts of concentration, which is one of many things I seem to be lacking
8) reading Revolutionary Road and Othello simultaneously (not such a good idea, by the way)
9) havig very bizarre dreams involving D, LOST and my old apartment. What?!?!

Just a brief summary, mind. And yes, I totally outlined this blog out last night in a notebook and in neon purple ink to boot!

And coming attractions:

1) work, work, work
2) a poetry comparison analysis paper whose draft is due Tuesday
3) a humanities midterm Thursday
4) more dull and further confusing studies of Confucionism
5) more Othello and Iago's inspiring brilliance at villianry
6) furhter financial ruin
7) more fialings in the French language (why must I fail so hardcore at it?! I took it all 4 years of high school and studied it a few semesters ago! Whyyy must I despise it so???)
8) more hangs with the bestests AND awesome rockig out jam sessions to Rockband!!!

Yeah, I have a totally lame life. I've come to accept that.

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