Thursday, June 4, 2009

don't you remember when I was a bird and you were a map?;

It looks like a blog a month is about all I can muster outof myself. I used to be an exceptional blogger, laying it out for all to see. I guess I've finally defined what is okay to share with everyone and what is best kept to myself.

So here I sit on my last free day before school starts back up Monday, and I've already sat in the warm California sun long enough to feel nice and toasty without burning and read (rereading the entire Harry Potter series. I tried to sit and reread the sixth book since the film for it comes out next month, but that didn't go too well considering I spent the first 3 chapters trying to remember what happened in the previous five books. Back to the beginning it is). My modern art history class commences Monday, and I must say I'm really not looking forward to going back to school. I don't know if it is because I've been working nonstop for the last 2 weeks, or because my first week off was spent in Las Vegas, or maybe I'm just sick of school, but my break definitely has not been long enough. I crave the structure and routine that school brings, but I'm not completely prepared to sit for 2 hours every morning, 4 days a week, for 6 weeks, listening to someone lecture about Warhol and Lichtenstein. I enjoy my solitude and silence too much.

Vegas, to put it mildly, was amazing. I loved every minute of it, and everyday since I left I've been missing the dry heat and the absence of an agenda.

Aside from Vegas, the most exiting thing I can report is that Tuesday I sat for 2 1/2 hours waiting at Les Schwabb getting new tires and a new battery. I'm taking better care of my poor car. The last week has been about taking care of a lot of crap I've been putting off. And today I put off getting my oil changed in the morning, so now I just have to pick up my check and deposit it. Pay my phone bill, and for the Bestie's belated birthday present, and my parking pass for school. Why must everything revolve around my paychecks? I'm not feeling very nice about my hard earned money lately.
Okay, enough rambling. I'll (try) to update more often, even if it is to give some opinion of my recent readings, which include:
  • Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
  • Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
  • Wuthering Heights (will I ever finish this book???)
  • (eventually) 1984

I finally finished Revolutionary Road after nearly 5 months of reading it. And Catch Me If You Can I finshed right after it. I'm hoping now that I've finished rereading Libba Bray's series A Great and Terrible Beauty I can get down to some serious reading (with the exception of the HP series, I plan on not rereading any books until I complete the stack I have yet to start/finish).

All right, enough. I'm out!

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