Tuesday, December 16, 2008

yesterday just took me hostage;

Oh, how my week has blurred by in such slow motion.

So, in my last post I said I wanted a refund on my 21st birthday. Wish granted. Friday night was Michael's 21st, and being the reckless, irresponsible person I've become, I ditched out on my plans to go to a required play for my theatre class and instead went to the bar with his family and him. I swear, his mother is a raging alcoholic of sorts. Every time my glass emptied or I finished another shot, another one magically appeared in front of me. I don't even recall half the night, which is probably best.

Saturday I worked the lamest 4 hour shift ever. I've said it a million times already, but I'm really starting to feel it now: I hate my job. People are such utter (for lack of a better word) fucktards. Christmas always brings out the cynicism in me. Again, I didn't go to the play. Whoops.

Sunday was work ALL DAY LONG. I should have worked on papers and studying when I got off at 8, but instead I crashed. Actually, I assume I crashed. I don't remember what I did that night, and I wasn't even drunk.

Monday morning was a but of a sleep in, though admittedly I will miss my 8 AM drawing and composition class, if only for the cute guys that were in there. Whatever shall I do now, with no cute boy to distract me? Oh, sarcasm. The intro to film final was... ridiculous, to say the least. I probably passed it, but not with a high grade. The class, overall, was silly and mostly mundane. Not that I don't like watching movies (I am a HUGE nerd when it comes to films. Director's cuts and 'making of' documentaries are what I live for), but the professor nearly bored me everyday, and more often than naught, put me right to sleep. Worked another super lame 4 hour shift.

Tuesday, this morning, wasn't so bad. I was up till about midnight the night before cramming last minute info in for humanities. In my rush to be on time for that final, I left my intro to theatre notebook, old quizzes/exams, and textbook sitting on my floor. Basically, I sat my theatre exam with absolutely no preparation and still scraped by with at least a B. Humanities, though, is a whole different can or worms. I honestly don't know how I did on that one. I know I goofed and got some of the early Roman popes and what they contributed to mixed up, and I KNOW I spaced on the basic principles of Judaism. -sigh-

And then the most fun of all occurred once I got home. I rebrushed my teeth and headed back to the dentist to get the crown put on. Oh my god. The tooth had been hurting off and on for the last two weeks (something I was assured was normal and not desperately in need of a root canal), and I was fine until she pulled the temp off. WORST PAIN EVER. They had no choice but to numb me up again, and that meant not filling the cavity on the other side of my mouth (they left the choice to me: just work on the crown today, or have both sides of my mouth throbbing in pain once the numbness wore off). So I go back the second week of January. I am going to hate that sadistic Nazi hang out by the time I go in for my next cleaning. I know it.

So I made it home, popped two ibprofins, and passed out watching Dark Knight. Woke up in absolute pain, regardless of the 400 mgs of pain killers I took. And now, here I sit, pondering what I am going to do with all my free time till January 19th when school kicks back up. I have a pile of books waiting for me to finish/begin, and right now, that sounds absolutely perfect.

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