Friday, February 13, 2009

I'm addicted to words and they're useless (in this department);

Okay, so I caved and texted D two days ago. The conversation started off innocent enough, and by the end of it last night, I just asked him straight out why he started talking to me again and what he meant by hanging out (because that's what it was coming around to, and I knew it). I don't like to think of myself as a stupid girl who dumbs herself down even further for a guy's attention, and I've learned more about guys by this point in my life to know that they don't just randomly message you to chat. And of course he avoided the question, saying that I knew he was just a boring guy who likes to watch movies. I know this about him is true, but I also know that in the istory of knowing each other, we have never been the kind of people who just sit and watch a movie together. After mch pondering, I have reached this conclusion: Iam perfectly okay being friends with him, I am okay with hanging out. What I am not okay with is "hanging out", if you catch my drift. So apparenlty sometime next week we're supposed to hang out, though I don't expect him to text me about it any time soon conidering my forwardness with him. He said he was avoiding that question, and I asked him why. I don't think he knows what he wants any more than I do (though I do know that I will regret stariting anything with him).

In other news, I have to go back to the dentist on Thursday. I chipped one of my bottom I teeth about a year ago, and all was fine until the filling on the tooth next to it fell out Tuesday night at dinner with my mom. So now I have to go back, and it makes me sad. It's like I'm dommed to forever be having problems with my teeth. This is why you should go every six months, folks.

I worked 2 to 11 today, and then I go back first thing at 9 tomorrow morning, so I suppose I should cut this short and get myself to bed. Peace out.

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