Wednesday, February 18, 2009

the sun is out the sky is blue/it's beautiful and so are you;

Oh, insomnia, how you are the very bane of my existence. For the last couple of nights I have been completely unable to fall asleep, and stay asleep while I'm at it. Why? Don't you kow I love you, sleep? And that I miss you and the wonderful sleep habits I acquired during winter break terribly?

Okay, I guess I can recap on my weekend.

Saturday was P's birthday. I was sleep deprived (I worked 2-11 Friday and had to be up by 7:30 the next morning to be to work by 9. Ha.) and not feeling at all sociable, but I went anyway. I had an okay time. Got completely sick from the food (note to self: never eat at Chevy's again), but other than that it was okay.

Sunday I worked 8:30 to 12:30, again sleep deprived. I had every intention of going home and takig a serious nap before hitting the gym, but I just could not fall asleep to save my life. So I stayed awake surfed the web, and watched "The Life of David Gale" (which I keep calling Henry Gale and couldn't figure out why until last night: LOST). Did cardio for 15 minutes, and then a full hour of pilates before going home to crash. What wishful thinking on my part.

My iPod died at the gym, so I went over to my laptop, turned it on. And nothing happened. It clicked on for 3 seconds and then shut itself back off. What the...??? So I played with the cord for over an hour, got really pissed off, and high jacked my mom's PC for hours looking for a new laptop. My Dell is a piece of maneuer, and it deeply saddens me. I bought a new power cord for it, paid the extra 16 bucks for express shipping and got it in today. Luckily it worked and it only set me back $90 (meaning my income tax moolah is diminished and I won't be able to pay as much off of my credit card as I had hoped). Still, it's cheaper than the $1300 macbook pro I was oogling, and the $1700 Sony vaio I was dreaming of, and the HP Pavilion I was stalking for 2 hours. I need to learn to be frugal and save my hard earned cash to pay off my debt and be able to buy myself a new snazzy laptop that doesn't infuriate me with its incompetence. Anyway, it turned on loaded itself up, and I was thrilled to have it back. Until I tried logging onto IE and having the AT&T message announcing my Internet was having an issue. Translation: My mom forgot to pay the bill again. Fortunately, it only took two calls this time to get it up and running. And no call what-so-ever to the router company! Made me very very glad we threw out our Netgear piece of crap months ago and upgrder to something better (and whose customer service speaks clear, distinct English).

That was today, er, Tuesday. Back to Sunday: In my frustration, I texted D asking about his HP laptop. The conversation soon veered to hanging out Monday, since neither of us had class and didn't work until late evening. Don't ask me why, but I agreed. So Monday afternoon I drove the 45 minutes to his apartment and he made me lunch and we discussed music philosophy, and many more nonsensical topics. I irritated him with my erratic song changing, and I came to the realization that I am over him and that he bores me to death. I wouldn't mid hanging out again, but he just has nothing to hook me with. I haven't quite decided if it was me who changed or him, or perhaps both of us, but the dynamic of our relationship has definitely fizzled. No sexual tension of any kind, and with the exception of a few flirtatious comments, I say it is definitely safe to be around him. Old habits eventually die in this case, thank God.

So that was my Monday. And now I am on to my Wednesday and unable to sleep, yet again. I must be up by 7:30. Perhaps I shall ditch French, though it would put me way behind considering it's a two hour class that meets only twice a week. I wish this old habit would die already.

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